Jolly good Friday everybody! There’s been a lot of buzz about Aalto on Tracks after the launch event. It’s great to hear that the word is spreading. I collected some important facts to this post.
UPDATE 2: The official departure date is now locked. The train will leave the Helsinki Railway station on 14th of May.
UPDATE: The train trip will most probably take place on 13.5.-24.5. We will leave from Helsinki on the 13th of May and arrive in Shanghai on the 24th May. We have confirmed two different train options from our travel agency. Dates will be confirmed as soon as we make decision which one we take. Departure will be most probably on 13th March or otherwise on 15th March. This will be informed at the latest in end of March.
The price of the trip is will be under 1000 euros. This includes the train trip and accommodation in Shanghai. Because most of the people want to stay various time in Shanghai and continue the journey to different destinations, it’s up to you to book the plane ticket back.
If you couldn’t make it to the Launch Event, you can watch the intro presentation here. There will be a short video summary about the workshop part later. Thanks OUBS!
PS. Lot of people have been in contact with me by email after the Launch Event – I’m sorry that I haven’t had time to answer them all yet. You can always call me as well, 050 411 7282.
Have a nice weekend!
- Mikko Ikola
April 20th, 2010 at 17:53
Hey, i think the date is wrong here:
“Departure will be most probably on 13th March or otherwise on 15th March. This will be informed at the latest in end of March.”
April 20th, 2010 at 18:04
Thanks for noting the old date, I now updated the correct date to the post.